
Tres canciones catalanas (ca. 1930),  for voice and piano: Laia Cladellas, voice; Gonzalo Redondo, piano

     Madrigal a Sitges


     La Fulla i el Núvol

Capriccio (1949), for solo flute: M. Margalida Seguí Tugores,  flute

Lament for the Death of a Bullfighter [1] (1959), for speaker and magnetic tape: Mónica Muñoz, voice; Gregorio García Karman, concert setting & sound projection

DNA in Reflection [2] (1963), film

Claustrophilia, a page for John Cage [3] (1966),  for eight harps, four short-wave radios, and two monitors:

Abigail Prat, Emelyne Lobel, Júlia Muntaner, Anna Quiroga, Marta Montguillot, Maria Esclusa, Andrea Mantes, Maria Gibert, Anna Godoy, harps

Juan Jurado, Hallicrafters SX 62 (1955); Gemma Rodríguez, RCA ACR 111 (1934); Roger Vilà,  National NC 183 (1946); Oliver Vinent, Grundig Satellite 2000 (ca. 1970); (Short-wave receivers from the collection of Jaume Figueras)

Benjamin Davies, monitor I; Gregorio García Karman, monitor II


[1] First performance of the concert setting.

[2] Spanish premiere.

[3] World premiere.


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